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Welcome to Innoplore Innovation Platform (IIP)

Why Innoplore?

  • The innovative and creative ideas of the organizational members or employees are the single most important asset for an innovative organization in today’s knowledge-intensive and innovation-driven global economy. The innovation journey begins with a flash of a new idea that sparks in an innovative mind, which is then gradually transformed into a technically feasible and economically viable solution to address a specific user-need or problem for which the solution is designed, developed and delivered. The organizational employees often have great ideas in their minds, but unfortunately most of the organizations are unable to fully capitalize on the potential of these innovative and creative ideas. One of the major reasons for the organizational inability is the absence of an effective mechanism through which it could timely capture, efficiently select, and systematically develop the most suitable ideas to produce the desired results and impacts of their innovations. Therefore, the organizations which lack this capability miss out the opportunity to timely deliver impactful innovations in the target markets; hence, they are outcompeted by their rivals who are more prepared to avail the market opportunities produced by the forces of change, which create a gap and trigger to a latent user-need. Therefore, the organizations must require an effective “Idea Management System” to fully capitalize on the potential of the creative and innovative ideas of their employees.

Key Features & Functionalities

  • Innoplore is a platform where ideas can be effectively turned into innovative solutions, and those solutions can be potentially transformed into corporate ventures and spin-offs’ with an active support of a vibrant community of its innovation ecosystem.
  • Innoplore is a one-stop turnkey solution to effectively manage the innovation activities within organizations through systematic, documented, and productive interactions.
  • Innoplore provides a one-window solution for the organizational admin and leadership to effectively create, monitor, organize, and promote all the innovation related activities from a single platform to manage the innovation processes successfully and efficiently.

Subscribe to Our Solutions

IIP Free


  • 1-month IIP Standard license - Free trial of a unique innovation management platform that systematically builds the innovation support ecosystem and provides an effective idea management platform for the organizations
  • Scalable solution with complete user-control
  • 100 users could be added by an organizational admin per license, with a maximum of 1GB files upload limit assigned to an organization, which could be used asymmetrically among its registered users.
  • Full data privacy

IIP Customized

Contact Us

  • Discuss your specific requirements with us for any added features and we will design a customized and scalable solution for you that would suit your unique requirements to effectively build your organization’s innovation support ecosystem and to enable your idea management platform.
  • Full data privacy
  • Contact us to discuss it further
IIP Customized Requirements:

- Any request for the additional requirements to develop customized features or to provide the user or data scalability shall be addressed and the organization shall be quoted for the additional costs accordingly.

- If your specific needs and requirements do not match with our provided standard solution, then please Contact Us (call, email, or send us a message), so we could discuss how to design a customized solution for you that better suits your individual requirements.

Send Us a Message

Please share your comments, suggestions, concerns, and questions with us. We will be delighted to listen to you, and to assist you with any of your queries as soon as possible.